Added Fixed

So Searchable!

1 year ago

Summer is drawing to a close and with it, our lull on BDP updates.

Over the summer, we revamped some code and chipped away at integrating Algolia into each and every corner of BDP.  Today, we're pleased to be able to push this update out. Now, everyone can search on any little bit of information to retrieve matching Products, Vehicles, Orders, & Estimates. This makes finding something a breeze and shaves off valuable time, especially if you're on the phone with a customer or need to "finish this one quick thing" from your phone.  Give it a shot and let us know what you think!

When we build BDP, we didn't think about how it might be valuable for an office staff member or dispatcher would want a fast way to assign deliveries to drivers. Duh. We built the tools to make it easy for drivers to assign themselves first-and-foremost.  In any case, that's been remedied and it's wicked easy for an Admin to now assign deliveries (from the driver dashboard) to whomever they please.

We found a little snag with how partial refunds are managed as it relates to applied sales tax.  This has been fixed and we'll add some additional polish to upcoming releases. There was also a bug related to logging in and the appearance of a redirect loop that a user couldn't escape from.  This should be fixed now as well.

We've repackaged how our JavaScript code is bundled up, making things much better on the dev side. It shouldn't change anything for end users.  This is something akin to getting a new sewer main installed...not sexy but really important and invisible to one's daily life.